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Writer's pictureTan Sher Lynn


A detailed Timeline that includes all past, present and future events, experience and plans as they relate to my career path. Include any steps you would like to take in the future to achieve your goals.

A short video about moments in my life that somehow lead me to where I am today.

Reflecting on Timeline


  • Growing up in the city, often visit parent's hometown which are smaller towns.

  • Grown up in a diverse environment - learned multiple languages since young, surrounded by people from different cultures and backgrounds.

  • Created shared comics with friends.

  • Travel locally and abroad


  • Travel...

  • Entered Science stream instead of art, as there is the impression that students in the art stream are less motivating.

  • Unsure about future choice of study, decided to go for cultural exchange for a year to Japan

  • Upon returning, took up more social sciences classes for Pre-U.

Early Adulthood

  • Travel...

  • Entered Prague College's Fine Art Experimental Media

Choice of Media Representation

Transforming memories and experience into visual form is quite challenging. The initial idea was portraying the timeline in the form of paintings and collages, however after much consideration i figured that I may not be able to express myself much through abstraction. Therefore, instead of creating a traditional abstract collage, I chose to portray my timeline in the form of video as I was also more interested in photography and filmography.

After rummaging through my files, I found short video clips of life in my home country, Malaysia and also photos taken for different interesting occasions in my life that lead me to where i am today. I intended to create and old school VHS effect with a square aspect ratio along with the sound effect of rolling tapes to create a nostalgic feel. While working through the sequence, I decided to differentiate the videos of the "normal" life from the interesting events after noticing the difference in quality between old and new clips and photos. The "normal" scenes were edited to resemble movie shots with effects and mainly aspect ratio of 16:9, while the flashing cuts of past events or "memories" were square with old film glitch effect to emphasize reminiscence of the events. The idea was to portray how these unexpected "flashing" episodes that happened in between my normal life.

The music for the video was chosen after going through multiple tracks. I referred to older videos I made and listened to chill music, lo-fi, indies and decided to search for a calming tune. I was told that the music choice gave of a dreamy vibe and wondered if that was perhaps what I was trying to express, vague and unclear random events of the past that somehow etched forever in my memory.

There is nothing certain but the uncertain


The future endless is what everyone says. However, it is tough to visualize the distant future when I have yet to discover my passion in life. Being in an art school, most people are passionate about their interests and have a clear direction of where they are heading as arts is a considerably challenging field. Even though I try my best to accomplish the tasks at hand, I lack ambition, which was the reason I decided to take a gap year after high school to go on a student cultural exchange program to broaden my horizons by experiencing a different environment and picking up new languages while figuring out the right course for me in university.

I am aware that regardless, I would have to move forward towards the future, therefore I hope somewhere along the way of this creative journey, I would eventually find my direction, starting from a small goal to work towards, gathering experiences along the way.


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