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Writer's picture: Tan Sher LynnTan Sher Lynn

Creating blog content consistently have been beneficial in deepening my understanding and developing new ideas in the field of arts through extensive research each time. The essays studied at the beginning of semester including xxx and Inside the White Cube introduced new perspectives in viewing and evaluating art which are still very much applicable today. The artworks chosen to be analyzed for the thesis are perhaps related to the idea of the timeless White Cube that detached from the mundane world. Contemporary artworks are moving away from traditional frameworks of art and media presentation by incorporating various forms of new media to increase immersion in art.

The House of Eternal Return by Meow Wolf, La Camera Insabbiata by Laurie Anderson and Hsin-Chien Huang and teamLab's Borderless are contemporary artworks that moved beyond the constraints of the White Cube, engaging audience in the artworks by transforming the physical environment, bringing them into the virtual realm or combining both worlds. It is interesting to discover the possibilities of expressing art with the integration of new media technologies. Through the process of researching on the artworks, I noticed that they share a similar trait which is immersion. After researching more on the term, I found that immersion is more profound than it seems. Immersion is not just bout visual illusion but the misperception of other senses to create the illusion of presence, "being there", it can be in the form of spatial immersion or emotional immersion. The latter caught my attention as oftentimes artists and critics may focus mainly on the visual aesthetics of artworks, neglecting the psychological elements that comes with it. The alternate reality of VR and AR are often the representation of immersive art, as they are able to deceive the human senses, however at the same time the narrative of the works are equally important in fully disengaging viewers from reality into the fictitious environment like video games or even installations.

Through extensive research on immersion, I gathered information on the existing definition of the term conceptually and technologically. The concept of immersion if beneficial for my future works especially for Installation and Performance in Fine Art as we would have create interactive installations for the next semester. Immersion and interaction are interrelated when it comes to developing an enhanced art experience. In order to develop a strong thesis statement, I would have to reanalyze my sources, connect them and organize the main idea I would like to convey and further research would be conducted to strengthen the thesis statement that could concisely communicate the main point of the topic.

Even though there are limited research in immersion in relation to arts, it is a potential direction for further in-depth research in the future. The advancement and accessibility of new technology allows for new experimental and creative way in experiencing and enjoying art, not just virtually but potentially immerse in traditional paintings by engaging the human senses it ways that have never been done before.


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