1. Interpretive Conventions in Site-Specific and Experimental
Art: An analysis of Richard Serra’s Sculptures and Joseph
McElroy’s Fictions
“9/11 emerging” - Joseph McElroy (notes)
Parallels between Serra’s sculpture and McElroy’s fiction
both artists derange our perceptual and interpretive structures
Joseph McElroy
interest in the possibility for different, and at times apparently disconnected, parts of our lives to indirectly influence one another
“Neural Neighborhoods and Other Concrete Abstracts” (1975)
writes of connective networks that join seemingly opposite realms in our lives
Relationship between abstractions and experience
“Socrates on the Beach. Thought and Thing” (2002)
explains how the abstract thinking of philosophy and architecture joins the impulses of practical life in his work
“Canoe Repair”
material endeavor branches into immaterial realms
Discursive Space:
Michel Foucault
archeological method focuses on the proliferation of discontinuities in the history of ideas
“a group of statements” made in a society and their organization, thus providing an individualization of discursive formations
Lauren S. Weingarden
discursive art historiography
a method of viewing the work of art as an encoded articulation of a historically-bound, yet multi-faceted, matrix of social systems or cultural events
roots her analysis in visual and verbal realms in order to define appropriately discursive practices of an era
Chevaillier, F. (2007) ‘Interpretive Conventions in Site-Specific and Experimental Art: An analysis of Richard Serra’s Sculptures and Joseph McElroy’s Fictions’, European Journal of American Studies. Available at: https://journals.openedition.org/ejas/1553
2. Only Imagine: Fiction, Interpretation, and Imagination
Extreme intentionalism
idea that what goes on in a fictional representation is supplied solely by what its author intended its reader to imagine
identifies certain dimensions of intentions that any account of their role (or lack thereof) in determining fictional content should endorse.
Stock, K. (2017) ‘Only Imagine: Fiction, Interpretation, and Imagination’, Oxford University Press, Available at: https://ndpr.nd.edu/news/only-imagine-fiction-interpretation-and-imagination/